
Profile Picture

I'm a software developer currently living in Seattle. I love to cook and bake and I try to post pictures and recipes whenever I can. I also write an occasional blog post too.

I also love coding, reading (see my Goodreads profile) and photography. Currently, I'm trying to learn Spanish and play the mandolin.

Currently Reading

2016 Reading Challenge

2016 Reading Challenge
Thomas has read 30 books toward his goal of 52 books.

In 2016, I'm trying to average at least 1 book read per week! Follow my progress on Goodreads with the widget on the left.


The server-side code of this website is written in C#, built on ASP.NET MVC. The client-side code and markup is in HTML 5.0, LESS (compiled into CSS), and TypeScript (compiled into JavaScript).


I also use the following libraries, frameworks and resources in my site. Thank you to the authors and contributors.